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Showing posts from September, 2016

Journal Entry September 1st

I sold myself to the darkness, flavorless and richless, they got less than a bargain. A pocket full of lint in a box with a bow. I wrote this in my journal on September 1, 2016 after a writing session about this undiagnosed pain I've been having since the beginning of May in my lower right abdomen.  I was feeling frustrated, down and damaged. Can you tell?

Reading, Chocolate and Lottery Tickets

Today on the PATH train heading to work I was reading the book  Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert .  I’m on page 177 which, without going into lengthy detail, is the part where she has been at the Ashram in India for a while and is just coming into finding her way with meditating and praying in the different ways available there and also through talking to others at the ashram that had tried different types of meditation. So I read this one paragraph and it spoke to me very much. I constantly battle with negative thoughts. Sometimes I catch myself and plenty of times it just spurts out of my mouth and I’m left shaking my head wondering why I said what I did.  Also I have been on a sort of self discovery path lately and this book practically jumped off the shelf at me when perusing the book section at the Goodwill(I call it thrifting therapy). It has helped me see things a little more clearly on my mission to move forward in life.  And, no, I’m not planning on heading out to an ashram

Langston Hughes in the NY Times

Today I was on facebook and I noticed in the trending section the name Langston Hughes.  I am a fan of Langston Hughes' poetry and so I was curious to see what was doing under his name.  It turns out that yesterday they had his poem "I, Too" full page, all alone in the NY Times !  There was a special section in the paper about the National Museum of African American History & Culture which opens on September 24, 2016 in Washington D.C. and they decided to put that poem on the back section giving the words all the glory they deserve.  I just think it's great!  I wish I had known yesterday so I could have got a copy of the paper.  I would have loved to have seen the section on the new museum and clipped out the poem to hang up at work.  I'm a feely person, I'd much rather read a paper or book rather than an article online.  Kind of funny since here I am posting this blog hoping those of you that like to read things on the internet will like me!  In my goog

Instagram Inspiration

It's actually never happened to me before.  There I was planted on the couch watching tv and as the regularly scheduled program goes to commercial I pick up my iPhone and check my Instagram account .  I'm scrolling through my feed and I see a lovely photo of clouds posted by a friend.  Big billowy clouds that are crossing paths and behind them the sun trying to break through.  Some might call it a moodygram?!  I'm automatically inspired and start thinking words about clouds breaking and I did something I've never done, I hit "comment" and type out with my forefinger on the small iPhone keyboard a little stream of consciousness poem to my friend.  I push "enter" and my comment snaps open in the comments section!  I immediately think to myself "gosh I hope she doesn't think I'm a total nut?!".  My friend responds pretty quickly that she thinks it's beautiful and comments on how hope is a powerful thing.  I'm glad she likes it