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Showing posts from 2019

My Life in a Shoe

This is my life in a shoe… This past week  I have been walking around with a foreign object in my left shoe.  I know, I know, you are asking yourselves “why not take it out silly woman?”.  It's kind of like my life...somedays I feel the problem and other days it's gone and all seems good only for it to pop up again at the most awkward moments when I don't have time to stop and fix it!  But really you wonder if I must have some inherent need to pain myself unnecessarily?  I am a woman after all, we do have a tendency to put up with things rather than help ourselves!  The object could be my fear of being seen as something I’m not?  Or better yet, maybe I just feel like I deserve it for a bug I killed at some point in my life??  It could have to do with this lazy quality I have at times which means I don’t feel like making any effort whatsoever.  Maybe the object is simply me being lazy?!  Too much effort to remove a shoe dagnabit!  But on the other hand I’ve kinda beco

Love Poem for Lovey

For Lovey Love from the outside EL-OH-VEE-EEE It's a smile, a touch and vows spoken over rings. Love from the inside is hearts, butterflies, fingers entwined bodies side by side through good and bad colds, headaches... I can breathe again! Love is standards... family get togethers, Sunday morning laziness, discussions over food, giggles in bed, "we are out of toilet paper, get some please." Love is figurative... humble pie, simmering spices, and whipped cream on top! Love is pins and needles, walking on eggshells, a balancing act... Two humans on a high wire attention to the center of the ring! A plunge into the net! Someone there to help you back to solid ground and cheers as you raise your hands in glory. Take a bow together, Teamwork! Victories and losses silence...laughter...strong words and much patience. Have a good day.  Tell me what's wrong! The complaint department is open, it&#

Then and Now FB challenge