It's 2017 my friends and I had delusions of grandeur for writing a great blog about the traditions of New Year's Day but really I just want to share with you what a nut-ball I am! Look, I spent a lot of 2016 dealing with this undiagnosed pain in my abdomen. I went through tests, doctors, more tests, frustration, anxiety and depression. The point is it dampened my spirit and in return my art. My camera has been sitting in it's bag for months, with the exception of taking some artsy photos with my iPhone for Instagram and writing a few poems my artistic endeavors have been few and far between. The best artistic move I made in 2016 was to create this blog, which I am very pleased with as a starting point to share my thoughts and poetry. The blog was something I had thought about often and I was just happy that I made the effort instead of just talking about it to my friends. Which brings me back to New Year's. I'm not a person that m...