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Toxicity, a poem

copyright Beth Achenbach

by Beth Achenbach December 29, 2016
I'm full of poison.
The birds,
they are dropping
dead around me.
Put on your Hazmat suit,
don’t breach the perimeter.
Keep a safe distance!
Stay out of the bubble
if you know what’s good for you.
Toxicity is rising
past the mark.
Is there a Doctor in the house?
My insides are melting
and there is a burning smell in the air.
Hair stands on end.
Sirens dissonant
but getting closer.
Screeching brakes,
metallic taste on the tongue.
Bleed me of the sludge.
Heed my warnings!
Attention! Skull with crossed bones!
It is meant to scare you away.
Human harmful to touch.


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