I started this simple blog as a way to share the poetry that I write and the occasional writing of observations. Sometimes I share my writing on Facebook but I wanted it on a site that was more accessible to the public. I did some research about blogs and the rules of what makes a blog “successful", one of which is to offer up something that people need. This one stuck with me because I remember questioning if sharing my poetry was something that people need?! Is poetry reading a need? Is my poetry, Beth Achenbach’s poetry something that people need?! I mean, I’m not offering any fabulous recipes, am I? I’m not helping people look more fashionable, am I? I’m not an expert telling women how to apply their make-up better, am I? Can I tell folks how to declutter their closet? Help parents to raise their kids better? I’m just sharing words that I have selfishly written down to get some thoughts out of my head! After fretting over this for a while I came to the conclusion that I didn’t have any “yes” answers to these questions. I began to doubt that I had a reason to start the blog. I mean I really gave my doubt some serious attention for a few days Sisters and Brothers! I can be very good at scaring myself away from a project. Who was I to think that people would follow me in the blogosphere?! Then, it happened, I came to my senses! I realized I was jumping way ahead of myself! My only objective should be to just start the dang blog for the reason I wanted to, which, was to have a page to share my poetry with people that would like to read it. So I started the blog and for me going forward the key word for keeping it up is to “share”. I want to share with you my feelings friends. I want to share with you so that maybe just one of you won’t feel as alone out there in this nutty world or in the craziness of your own head. I want to share with you and maybe give you the words to share with someone else who needs to know you are thinking about them today. I want to share with you just in case you have no ideas right now but would like to share something on your social media! Hey! I want to share with you because my poetry does no one any good written down on some ruled paper inside a journal that sits on a shelf collecting dust! Sharing, dear friends, is about enjoying something with someone else! It’s about seeing what we have in common with each other and making our big world a little smaller, a little cozier. We aren’t breaking bread here together but I want you to know that I see you there and I am happy to share with you the troubles, happiness, confusion and wonder that I take part in on this earth because I think you might understand. It’s healing for me and so maybe I give you a tiny bit of language to inspire you to see things differently or...maybe I don’t? It’s a sharing of thoughts, words and phrases with no expectations in return. You and your friends are always welcome here.
I started this simple blog as a way to share the poetry that I write and the occasional writing of observations. Sometimes I share my writing on Facebook but I wanted it on a site that was more accessible to the public. I did some research about blogs and the rules of what makes a blog “successful", one of which is to offer up something that people need. This one stuck with me because I remember questioning if sharing my poetry was something that people need?! Is poetry reading a need? Is my poetry, Beth Achenbach’s poetry something that people need?! I mean, I’m not offering any fabulous recipes, am I? I’m not helping people look more fashionable, am I? I’m not an expert telling women how to apply their make-up better, am I? Can I tell folks how to declutter their closet? Help parents to raise their kids better? I’m just sharing words that I have selfishly written down to get some thoughts out of my head! After fretting over this for a while I came to the conclusion that I didn’t have any “yes” answers to these questions. I began to doubt that I had a reason to start the blog. I mean I really gave my doubt some serious attention for a few days Sisters and Brothers! I can be very good at scaring myself away from a project. Who was I to think that people would follow me in the blogosphere?! Then, it happened, I came to my senses! I realized I was jumping way ahead of myself! My only objective should be to just start the dang blog for the reason I wanted to, which, was to have a page to share my poetry with people that would like to read it. So I started the blog and for me going forward the key word for keeping it up is to “share”. I want to share with you my feelings friends. I want to share with you so that maybe just one of you won’t feel as alone out there in this nutty world or in the craziness of your own head. I want to share with you and maybe give you the words to share with someone else who needs to know you are thinking about them today. I want to share with you just in case you have no ideas right now but would like to share something on your social media! Hey! I want to share with you because my poetry does no one any good written down on some ruled paper inside a journal that sits on a shelf collecting dust! Sharing, dear friends, is about enjoying something with someone else! It’s about seeing what we have in common with each other and making our big world a little smaller, a little cozier. We aren’t breaking bread here together but I want you to know that I see you there and I am happy to share with you the troubles, happiness, confusion and wonder that I take part in on this earth because I think you might understand. It’s healing for me and so maybe I give you a tiny bit of language to inspire you to see things differently or...maybe I don’t? It’s a sharing of thoughts, words and phrases with no expectations in return. You and your friends are always welcome here.
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