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For My Sake The World Was Created

It's been overwhelming for me this past year dealing with chronic pain, turning 50, my favorite Uncle passing away, friends diagnosed with cancer, not seeing my family much, money problems and well....the crazy state of our country and world!!! LIfe my friends!  I mean, yes, I  know, in the scheme of world problems mine are not so awful.  It doesn't take away the fact that it's been a struggle for me.  So
I made a pretty big decision to start learning more so I can practice Judaism. I've pretty much been a secular Jew my whole life.  We would go to my Grandparent's house when I was young to celebrate the Jewish Holidays but other than that I did not grow up knowing a lot about Judaism or having any kind of traditions instilled in me.  As a young adult I bought a Menorah and would light Hanukkah candles and that was it!  I think it was a way to feel connected to my grandparents who had both since passed away.  The thought has always been in the recess of my mind that I should learn more about it because, hey, it's where I come from! The thing is I just couldn't step into the religious aspect of it.  God being, well God, and the whole bible situation kept me away. I've always been very curious about religion but from an outside looking in perspective, not as a follower.  Well, my friends, life has been a little much for me, as I said, in my 49-50th year and I've finally decided it's time for me to embrace Judaism with the hope that I'll get myself back in tune with the role I play on this planet. This is a long tale to get to a short story that actually relates to the photo but we are almost done!  I was telling my friend Joanne McCarthy about my thoughts recently and how last year I started doing a little bit of research into Judaism and came across a post, as one does, when Googleing on the web! The post relayed a story about a Rabbi Simcha Bunem that told his disciples to write on two pieces of paper the sayings "V’anokhi afar v’efer" (I am but dust and ashes) and " Bishvili nivra ha-olam" (For my sake the world was created).  Reminders of humility and hope that spoke to me. I wrote the sayings out in both the transliterated hebrew and english translation on small pieces of paper and placed one in my right coat pocket and the other in the left. I would pull them out here and there but sometimes I didn't even need to because the story itself would pop into my mind when I needed a moment of clarity.  In retrospect I do believe that action of writing those words and keeping them was the beginning of my process that led to the decision this month to practice Judaism! It's significant and I was telling Joanne, who makes silver jewelry under the name Silver Sculptor, that it would be cool to have the sayings as coins since the papers were getting tattered.   She offered to create them as a gift and gave them to me to carry in my pockets for my first fast and observance of Yom Kippur at our local synagogue.  Such a heartfelt gesture and I love her and the coins so much! Now I will forever regard them as a reminder of starting down this new path in my life.  Small acts of kindness, friendship and faith will help us get through these days my friends. I hope you find or show some today! Shalom


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