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"Lifted" the video and poem dedicated to Sisterhood

I wrote this poem after spending an hour with a few of my female artistic friends.  We discussed poetry, art, life, and when I got home I felt this overwhelming feeling of inspiration and joy!  Yes!  Joy!  It's like we all shared our energy while we were together.  I just had to write my feelings down.  The words came out of me so easily thinking of my own Sisters and the friends I consider to be Sisters from other Misters.  I wrote the poem in one sitting and a few weeks later I got the idea to record my voice reading it and create a video using photos.  I put a call out on my facebook feed and asked female friends to send me photos of themselves with their Sisters or with their BFFs that they considered Sisters or with women they were inspired by.  The ladies sent me some great images and I used a bunch of my own for fill ins to create this video.  This is definitely one of those labor of love or labor of inspiration times.  Please watch and share!  Words are posted below.

Lifted by Beth Achenbach

I am lifted
When I'm with my Sisters.
Joy of heart,
warmth of spirit, 
a moment to perch (on the line with them)
and shake out our feathers
without having to look behind our backs...
without being needy or needed.
To just be....just be us
and see the best of one another
reflected in each other's eyes.
The resurrection of girl power
rises in our laughter.
We know each other.
We know each other in that kind of way
that doesn't need to be analyzed or picked apart.
We can let it all hang out.
Dirty laundry,
sorted details,
thoughts of inferiority, disappointment
and dreams of world domination!
Bonded by blood
or forged through friendship,
our joy...our understanding of one another
is a hand on the hip and the nod of a head.
We can read between the lines
without having to say it out loud,
I feel you my Sisters....I do....We do!
Our foundation is rock solid.
We can stand on each other's shoulders
and know
we would hold one another up
for as long as we have breath!
I am lifted.
I am lifted
as they are lifted,
by their words,
their hearts,
their wit,
their sincerity...
by the gift of Sisterhood,
I am lifted!


  1. Beth you are a shining star in the sky.

    1. Awww shucks! I'm only as bright as the company ii keep my friend! Thanks so much!


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