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Deflated, a feeling and a poem

Today I found myself feeling very much deflated as I was getting ready for work. There were multiple reasons why I was feeling that way and quite frankly I just wanted to stay home in bed!  As I was trying to finish up my morning routine before jumping in the shower I saw my stack of journals sitting on the shelf and decided to pick up one to just take a quick look inside.  I'm not sure why, maybe to wallow a little bit more or possibly to find a little inspiration?  With my writings it could go either way.  So I pick up the top journal, open it up,  and the place I land on is the page where I wrote a poem back in 2007 called "Deflated"!  I kid you not!  It's so weird how the wavelengths of the Universe line up sometimes!  Maybe someone else needs to read this today and not feel alone?  I'm with you friends, feel free to leave comments if you can relate.  


I feel like a deflated balloon trying to float.
No strings attached
if you can help me find my way?
I'm forced to fly through the air,
bouncing off the fingers of my peers,
but with no direction
and a lot less air.
Sometimes I'm afraid
but I don't tell anyone.
I figure there has to be a way to float
without a hand intervening?
As sure as hell is hot,
my low point is coming!
Inflate myself with mantras of worth,
affirmations from fairies
I keep in a box
with reminders of words I knew when I was well.
Inflate those around me so we all see eye to eye
even through adversity
so no one falls away.
All inflated equally!
Today I'm the one feeling deflated 
just like a balloon
but a good friend told me it will pass
and I believe him...
no strings attached.


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