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Your Place In Our Hearts - a poem dedicated to Donna Georgio

A poem dedicated to our friend Donna Georgio who we lost way too soon on April 5, 2018.  My condolences to her family and friends near and far.  She was a rock star in my book and she will be missed terribly.  If anyone wants you can make a donation to the American Brain Tumor Association in her memory.

Donna(middle) photo by Adrian Shepard

Your Place In Our Hearts

The air seems different
now that you are gone.
The current whispers your name
and spreads the news of your soul’s departure.
Time seems to click by slower,
a slow motion drama
that we are all unwilling participants in.
Words don’t come as easily
to speak of our loss
but feelings of having known you
stumble out easily bringing tears
and a sense that things will never be the same.
That is the way it is when a light goes out.
We must stand still in the dark
and wait for our eyes to adjust,
for our hearts to reconcile,
to comprehend reasoning
that you are no longer here with us.
Until we realize the truth
that we are the caretakers
of the force that you were!
We are beholden
to mark your place in our hearts
and spread the brilliance you shared,
the ripples you created
out, out…and further out
until they find you in the ether
and let you know that even though you aren’t here
we remember everything you taught us.
You live on in the stories we tell,
the moments we share,
and the love we bestow unto one another.
Find your peace friend
and rest easy knowing you touched us all.


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