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What is that noise on the Bus?

Yesterday morning I was running a little late, which since we rescued Merlin the rabbit, it is my new normal. The pet situation is a blog post in and of itself! Suffice it to say I have a lot of waste management to take care of in the morning so getting out of the house on time has been a challenge for me! Ok, so like I said, I’m running late and I decide to hop on one of the local small buses that stops a block away from my house. They run along the same main routes that the New Jersey Transit buses travel in Jersey City. These little buses are owned by independent people so you never know what you are getting into when you climb aboard one. Some are well kept, clean and others are well, not so much. Sometimes to ride one is an adventure into the craziness of humanity but what public transportation isn’t? At least they travel consistently and it’s only $1.50 cash to get where I’m going. I can easily do the 15 minute walk to the train but when I’m running late the little bus is the way that gets me there faster so I can shave a few minutes off the clock. I wait on the corner and raise my arm to flag down an approaching bus. The double doors swing open with a metallic squeak and I climb on board but before I have time to eyeball a seat I'm immediately lunged forward down the aisle because, my friends, these drivers don’t mess around and start moving as soon as they shut their squeaky doors! I plop into the closest empty aisle seat on the right side of the bus with a ooomph and a ahhhhh while shoving my backpack onto the adjacent empty seat. A small sigh of relief as I settle in and I reach in my back pocket to take out my mobile device. I do the standard looking to see if I have messages, email, Instagram and the Facebook.  It’s really just to occupy the time and I’m done quickly so I just stare out the window at the sights of the city I live in for a moment. Then out of nowhere I hear this Raaaarrrreeeee sound assuming without thought that it was my stomach growling! I think to myself “Wow! That was really loud! I didn’t realize I was that hungry?!” The bus continues on as I’m looking around the interior, at the people in the seats ahead of me and hear the sound again! Rrrrraaaaahhhreeeee!  Once more I’m surprised at my hunger sound but then it happens again moments later and I start to think, "hey, maybe it’s the bus?" It makes way more sense that it would be the bus because it has a bit of syncopation to it and these little buses can sometimes be a bit rickety anyway. It’s the bus. It seems as though it's coming from above the wheel well on the right side, near where I am sitting. Definitely the bus. Onward we go and I'm about halfway to my destination as the rrrrraaaahhhreeee continues to peck at my senses but what am I going to do? It reminds me of the Tin Man in the Wizard of OZ saying “Oyyyiiillll Meee” out of the corner of his mouth.  Oyyyiiillll Meee, Rrrraaaaahhhreeeee! We are now driving past the local High School, which is a fabulous older building that I always like to look at so I turn my head to the left and look across through the windows on the opposite side of the bus at Dickinson High School. The parking lot is full and I wonder about all the students inside wearing their matching school shirts sitting at desks and wishing they were somewhere else! Ahhhh High School! But that sound, Rrrrrrraaaahhhhreeee, snaps me out of my thought process and I realize something!  My ears have tricked me!  I now know the source of the sound! There is a passenger in a seat on the left side of the bus but one row behind that is slumped over snoring!  He is taking up the two seats of that section, legs up, hoody mounted over his eyes just snoring away! The rhythmic rrrrrraaaahhhhreeee, rrrrrraaahhhreee as he breathes in and out is so obvious now.  I smile, shake my head and chuckle to myself as I playback my thoughts…stomach growling? Really? No, Bus noise! Yes! Bus noise. Ok. But wait! Young man snoring! Really? Yes, snoring! 


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