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For The Love of A Woman - International Women's Day

A woman is bold
she is strong
she is courageous
she is everything and more!

A woman is dainty
a woman smells pretty
she thinks long and hard
and comes with a neat little bow

A woman is scrappy
she can wash the dishes
scrub the floor
plunge her hands into the dirt
and tell it like it is!

A woman drives you crazy
puts you in your place
and teaches you a damn good lesson

A woman is tall
she is short
she is average
rich or poor
and knows how to say just the right thing

Mother Nature....a woman!
Mother of God...a woman!
and Peace, also a woman!

You'll lay it on the line for a woman
drop what your doing for a woman
and put your tail between your legs
for a woman!

A woman is skinny
she is fat
she is curvy
she is all that!

Marlene, Marilyn, Madonna, Gaga
Woman, Woman, Woman, Woman!

A woman will roar
she will scream
she will pull your hair out
and sometimes
tear you a new asshole

But a woman is also soft
she is tender
she is caring
and the one you can count on

A woman is our mother
our sister
our friend
and our whole reason for living

A woman shines brightly
puts on her best face
she multi tasks
and takes no shit!

she can carry a baby in one arm
and rule the world with the other!

A woman is a worker
a Superstar
a Hero
she is Prime Minister
and the fucking Queen of England!

Bat Woman, Cat Woman, Electra Woman, Wonder Woman!

For the love of a Woman!


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