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I AM NOT AN AGE a video reflecting on a life lived

Last week I turned 50 years old, the big FIVE OH!  It has been difficult for me dealing with the aging process.  It hasn't been just about turning the number 50 but more about seeing my body change in ways I really have not been happy with and, of course, I blamed it on that number!  For the few weeks before my birth date I knew that there was a big birthday party being planned and so I wanted to write a poem to read during the festivities about turning 50.  The problem was every time I tried to sit down and write I just couldn't go there, nothing was coming out!  I tried writing down just words or phrases associated with turning fifty but when I looked down at the page I just saw a lot of negativity!  Pfffft!!!  On three separate occasions I tried to get my thoughts flowing for this poem but it just was not happening!  The night before the party I was sitting on the couch with my composition book in my lap and pen in hand!  I was determined to free form some words!  I just needed the first effing' line to get me going so I started discussing my writer's block with Lovey and she says to me "maybe it's because you are not your age?"  Well, that, my friends, created a spark and I just ran away with it!  I wrote in the book "I am not my age" and then the words started pouring out of me!  I realized it was that number, 50, that was holding me back and once I let that go I was able to put down what it was I was trying to say.  The next day I read the poem at the party and people told me they loved it and even a few friends said it made them weepy!  Wow!  I knew I wanted to share it here on my blog, because, well, that's what it's for but I thought instead of just sharing the words I wanted to put some images to it as well!  I put out a call on my facebook feed over a two day period asking my friends and family to share their "life" photos with me for a project and well...they came through!  I spent most of a Sunday fiddling around in iMovie to put the photos with the voice recording and it is! A youtube video that is a collaboration between me and my tribe!  Warning: there is one "F" word in there!  It is life after all!


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