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Train Observation - Are you High?

Observation of a couple on the train yesterday morning.  They caught my eye because of the way the woman was leaning into the man as they sat next to one another.  You know that lean when you are really comfortable with someone, be it a friend or a lover, that space sharing closeness that you enjoy without realizing it?!  One of the poles on the train that runs from the floor to the ceiling separated their legs but she was still able to lean against him in the seat as they passed a short purple Pringle’s can back and forth.  The two of them were enjoying the hell out of those chips as one would reach into the small cylinder, take out a short stack, and then hand it back to the other!  I thought it was sweet and then I started to think to myself "these people totally look stoned!"  Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not judging here!  I'm just relaying an observation that I caught with my eyes because it was way different than the average morning commute with everyone on auto-pilot.  Sure enough as I checked them out a little while longer it was obvious that they both had the telltale sign of highness, the eyelids at half mass!  There wasn’t a lot of talk going on between them and the woman was sort of fidgety, she just could not sit up straight!  At one point she took out a brown napkin and was trying to unfold it.  This woman looked like she was in the middle of the most difficult task ever undertaken by a human being!  She tried to grab the corner of the napkin and it was like the napkin was slippery, she just couldn’t get a hold of it, so she basically started tearing the napkin up into pieces!  Maybe it was her long nails that made the endeavor difficult, no matter, it was almost painful to watch!  I wanted to get up and help her with the dang napkin!  Honestly these two were dressed nice, neat and morning time fresh, just like the rest of us on the train at 10 o'clock in the morning but they definitely pre-gamed with something-something before the commute!  They were feeling very nice!  The man leaned back and closed his eyes while the woman plunged her hand into a large pink leather purse in her lap and pulled out a bottle of water.  She then got out a red straw and started wrestling to put it into the small opening of the water bottle.  When she finally accomplished this task she chuckled at herself for the small victory!  Yes!  I’m not going to give you an exact blow by blow of the entire train ride because this would turn into a long novel my friends!  Suffice it to say the man remained pretty chill, the woman kept up with  more fidgeting in her purse and then must have spilled a little water because she was wiping her bag with some of the tattered napkin pieces as they simultaneously fell to the floor while she wiped.  All of a sudden the woman bent over exhausted and placed her forehead against the pole that separated couple's legs.  It was a very odd thing to do! At this point her torso was folded over her legs, the pole running vertically in the middle of her forehead!  It was only for a minute or two and then she straightened up some and proceeded to drink the Pringle's crumbs from the bottom of the can like it was a soda.  As the man kept his eyes closed she leaned forward again and stayed there in a kind of awkward bent in half position for a few minutes.  It reminded me of the times I've seen people on heroin walking the streets and they all of a sudden stop mid walk and lean waaaaaay back for a really long moment and you think they are going to fall backward, then in an instant when you're about to go help them they snap out of it, stand erect, and continue walking.  I’ve never done heroin but I’m curious what that high is like to make people behave like that?(I promise that I never intend to find out)  Anyway, the lady stays in her strange position and then she snaps to and elbows the man like “hey we need to act straight here” and sure enough they both wiggle a bit and sit up in their seats.  When the train finally arrives at their stop the man gets up as cool as he can but, her, she is a little more awkward and bends forward so much in an effort to stand that you can see her fancy lace panties and a good portion of her rear end!  They exit the train along with some of the other passengers but leave behind a semi-circle of napkin remnants on the floor below their seats.  It looked like an abandoned bird's nest!  It was kind of funny to me and I thought to myself  "be careful out there you two love birds".


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