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Observation- Joy in 1...2...3

The train is waiting on the platform. 
I'm sitting inside with Smashing Pumpkins streaming through my headphones feeling a bit forlorn. 
The week is weighing on me. 
My eyes are closed and I'm just listening. 
I lift my head and open my eyes in time to observe 
a woman on the platform 
with bags hanging from her forearms, 
walking towards the front of the train. 
She is wearing a baseball cap with a team logo that I can't make out 
but it tickles me because she doesn't look like the cap wearing type of woman. 
She pauses for a moment to look down at her wrist watch 
and then quickly brings her hands up in a prayer type position 
and then claps them joyfully three times, 
as she starts to walk past the car I'm on. 
I assume the happiness could be that
she is making good time on her excursion into NYC?
Witnessing that brief moment makes me smile. 
It just goes to show, if you lift your head up out of your own despair 
there are the simplest moments of joy to be discovered. 
hope you all find one moment of grace in your day.


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