Observation of a couple on the train yesterday morning. They caught my eye because of the way the woman was leaning into the man as they sat next to one another. You know that lean when you are really comfortable with someone, be it a friend or a lover, that space sharing closeness that you enjoy without realizing it?! One of the poles on the train that runs from the floor to the ceiling separated their legs but she was still able to lean against him in the seat as they passed a short purple Pringle’s can back and forth. The two of them were enjoying the hell out of those chips as one would reach into the small cylinder, take out a short stack, and then hand it back to the other! I thought it was sweet and then I started to think to myself "these people totally look stoned!" Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not judging here! I'm just relaying an observation that I caught with my eyes because it was way different than the average morning commute ...
Poetry and Observations by Beth Achenbach