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Showing posts from 2017

For My Sake The World Was Created

It's been overwhelming for me this past year dealing with chronic pain, turning 50, my favorite Uncle passing away, friends diagnosed with cancer, not seeing my family much, money problems and well....the crazy state of our country and world!!! LIfe my friends!  I mean, yes, I  know, in the scheme of world problems mine are not so awful.  It doesn't take away the fact that it's been a struggle for me.  So I made a pretty big decision to start learning more so I can practice Judaism. I've pretty much been a secular Jew my whole life.  We would go to my Grandparent's house when I was young to celebrate the Jewish Holidays but other than that I did not grow up knowing a lot about Judaism or having any kind of traditions instilled in me.  As a young adult I bought a Menorah and would light Hanukkah candles and that was it!  I think it was a way to feel connected to my grandparents who had both since passed away.  The thought has always been in the recess of my mind

Two Inches Is A Long Way Down Sometimes

Train Observation - Are you High?

Observation of a couple on the train yesterday morning.  They caught my eye because of the way the woman was leaning into the man as they sat next to one another.  You know that lean when you are really comfortable with someone, be it a friend or a lover, that space sharing closeness that you enjoy without realizing it?!  One of the poles on the train that runs from the floor to the ceiling separated their legs but she was still able to lean against him in the seat as they passed a short purple Pringle’s can back and forth.  The two of them were enjoying the hell out of those chips as one would reach into the small cylinder, take out a short stack, and then hand it back to the other!  I thought it was sweet and then I started to think to myself "these people totally look stoned!"  Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not judging here!  I'm just relaying an observation that I caught with my eyes because it was way different than the average morning commute with everyon

Delicate Parts of Darkness Rising

Recently my friend Robert Langdon invited me to participate in a new exhibit at his gallery called "Art & Words: An Exhibition of Art & Poetry Inspiring One Another" .   This new show at Emerge Gallery & Art Space  is a collaboration between artists and poets.  Poets picked from artworks and artists chose poems that inspired them to create new works.  Robert sent me a pdf of the artworks that were available and when I saw the image of Maxine Davidowitz's  monotype and mixed media artwork titled " Darkness Rising I" the first line came right to me!  I still looked over the other art but I really was drawn to what seems to be these dark folds in Maxine's artwork.  I kind of imagine there could be someone or something hiding in there.  So I wrote my piece and called it "Delicate Parts". (see below) Emerge Gallery & Art Space is located at  228A Main Street, Saugerties, NY  (845) 247-7515.   The exhibit is open until May 29, 2017.

Back to School

photos take by Miguel Cardenas   Today I headed back to school friends!  It's been over 30 years since I've stepped foot in a high school and today I made my return.  My good friend Miguel helps teach a class of about eight autistic teenagers at the local high school and he asked me if I would come read some of my poetry to them.  They are in the process of learning about poetry and he thought I could give them some good examples of free verse poetry that I have written.  When he first text me my initial reaction was "yes, i'd like to do it" but then after it set in I started to get the fear and the "am i good enough" thoughts running rampant in my head so I almost said no!  I'm really glad I didn't decline because it's important to push yourself sometimes, especially for something like this that isn't about me, it's about them!  I had to get myself up at 6am to get ready and leave the house by 8am.  The high school is only a 5/

Observation- Joy in 1...2...3

The train is waiting on the platform.  I'm sitting inside with Smashing Pumpkins streaming through my headphones feeling a bit forlorn.  The week is weighing on me.  My eyes are closed and I'm just listening.  I lift my head and open my eyes in time to observe  a woman on the platform  with bags hanging from her forearms,  walking towards the front of the train.  She is wearing a baseball cap with a team logo that I can't make out  but it tickles me because she doesn't look like the cap wearing type of woman.  She pauses for a moment to look down at her wrist watch  and then quickly brings her hands up in a prayer type position  and then claps them joyfully three times,  1...2...3,  as she starts to walk past the car I'm on.  I assume the happiness could be that she is making good time on her excursion into NYC? Witnessing that brief moment makes me smile.  It just goes to show, if you lift yo


There are pillows waiting for heads to fall. As night time is lowered, the sandman called. With a sigh, a blink, a yawn, and a stretch, the day is gone yet... there are dreams to catch.

Sitting In Windows

Why I started this blog.

I started this simple blog as a way to share the poetry that I write and the occasional writing of observations.  Sometimes I share my writing on Facebook but I wanted it on a site that was more accessible to the public.  I did some research about blogs and the rules of what makes a blog “successful", one of which is to offer up something that people need.  This one stuck with me because I remember questioning if sharing my poetry was something that people need?!  Is poetry reading a need?  Is my poetry, Beth Achenbach’s poetry something that people need?!  I mean, I’m not offering any fabulous recipes, am I? I’m not helping people look more fashionable, am I? I’m not an expert telling women how to apply their make-up better, am I?  Can I tell folks how to declutter their closet?  Help parents to raise their kids better?  I’m just sharing words that I have selfishly written down to get some thoughts out of my head!  After fretting over this for a while I came to the conclusion t

I AM NOT AN AGE a video reflecting on a life lived

Last week I turned 50 years old, the big FIVE OH!  It has been difficult for me dealing with the aging process.  It hasn't been just about turning the number 50 but more about seeing my body change in ways I really have not been happy with and, of course, I blamed it on that number!  For the few weeks before my birth date I knew that there was a big birthday party being planned and so I wanted to write a poem to read during the festivities about turning 50.  The problem was every time I tried to sit down and write I just couldn't go there, nothing was coming out!  I tried writing down just words or phrases associated with turning fifty but when I looked down at the page I just saw a lot of negativity!  Pfffft!!!  On three separate occasions I tried to get my thoughts flowing for this poem but it just was not happening!  The night before the party I was sitting on the couch with my composition book in my lap and pen in hand!  I was determined to free form some words!  I jus

World Poetry Day and a Poem about Music

Today is World Poetry Day my friends!  It is a day to pull out your favorite poetry book, pay tribute to your favorite poets, read a poem to your children, your family or your Love!  It's a day to promote the writing and teaching of poetry and to appreciate the local poets in your own community.  I've been writing poetry since I was an angst ridden teenager in the 1980's.  I really felt so alone and really depressed and it was just a way for me to get the fear and helplessness out of my head and onto a page.  I never really showed anyone those writings but I do visit them sometimes and realize how far I have come.  Thank goodness for poetry!  Today I'm going to share a light hearted piece I wrote about people that writes songs.  I am very jealous of songwriters because I love music and writing!  I got a guitar a few years back for my birthday and I've tried to learn how to play that thing but I just don't make the time for it really.  I know so many talented s

15 year Anniversary Poem

Happy 15 year Anniversary Lovey!   The card Lovey gave me today.  It looks like us! You are my love. EL-OH-VEE-EEE your smile, your touch our fingers entwined. Going through life side by side. In sickness and in health we stay together. Two souls  on a high wire now and forever! Moments after moments so many “have a good day”s. A kiss before we close our eyes, that is our way. You are my love EL-OH-VEE-EEE dancing, thrifting, singing together living our story you and me.

Recognizing the road you are on

Sometimes I have that thing they call a "monkey brain".  Its when you have all these thoughts in your head and you can't concentrate on just one thing.  It's not productive at all!  A few months back I had been really just living on auto-pilot from day to day.  I was going through the motions and allowing my brain to live it's crazy monkey existence and not caring all too much until one day I realized I needed to pull my head out of my ass!  I wasn't happy and I wanted to bring back what was not  going on in my life, like creating art, or laughter or hanging out with family & friends!  Important things were missing! One day on the walk to the train I decided that I would make an attempt to actually stay in the moment to tame that monkey brain.  So as an exercise I would recite things that I saw around me.  The first morning I tried reciting into my iPhone but I found that the spell check gizmo made too many errors.  The next day I just tried plain ole'

For The Love of A Woman - International Women's Day

A woman is bold she is strong she is courageous she is everything and more! A woman is dainty a woman smells pretty she thinks long and hard and comes with a neat little bow A woman is scrappy she can wash the dishes scrub the floor plunge her hands into the dirt and tell it like it is! A woman drives you crazy puts you in your place and teaches you a damn good lesson A woman is tall she is short she is average rich or poor and knows how to say just the right thing Mother Nature....a woman! Mother of God...a woman! and Peace, also a woman! You'll lay it on the line for a woman drop what your doing for a woman and put your tail between your legs for a woman! A woman is skinny she is fat she is curvy she is all that! Marlene, Marilyn, Madonna, Gaga Woman, Woman, Woman, Woman! A woman will roar she will scream she will pull your hair out and sometimes tear you a new asshole But a woman

Harboring regret

A Poem called "Three"

Three by Beth Achenbach Three o'clock in my pocket but that's not really the time. All things skewed  in such a way that the hour is not on my side. Lengthy chatter, rapid, muted talk briefly touches a biased ear that is half listening and trying to counter punch my lines before three words escape my lips. I found this poem today in my first Moleskine book that was gifted to me from my girlfriend. It was dated 2008, had a few more lines and was unfinished. As I read it and re-read it a few times I came to the conclusion that those extra lines belonged to an entirely different poem!  So it was finished all along  and I didn't realize it until now in 2017.   Beth

A Tiny Rust Poem

Toxicity, a poem

copyright Beth Achenbach Toxicity  by Beth Achenbach December 29, 2016 I'm full of poison. The birds, they are dropping dead around me. Put on your Hazmat suit, don’t breach the perimeter. Keep a safe distance! Stay out of the bubble if you know what’s good for you. Toxicity is rising past the mark. Is there a Doctor in the house? My insides are melting and there is a burning smell in the air. Hair stands on end. Sirens dissonant but getting closer. Screeching brakes, metallic taste on the tongue. Bleed me of the sludge. Heed my warnings! Attention! Skull with crossed bones! It is meant to scare you away. Human harmful to touch.

Revival of an Artist

It's 2017 my friends and I had delusions of grandeur for writing a great blog about the traditions of New Year's Day but really I just want to share with you what a nut-ball I am!  Look, I spent a lot of 2016 dealing with this undiagnosed pain in my abdomen.  I went through tests, doctors, more tests, frustration, anxiety and depression.  The point is it dampened my spirit and in return my art.  My camera has been sitting in it's bag for months, with the exception of taking some artsy photos with my iPhone for  Instagram and writing a few poems my artistic endeavors have been few and far between.   The best artistic move I made in 2016 was to create this blog, which I am very pleased with as a starting point to share my thoughts and poetry.  The blog was something I had thought about often and I was just happy that I made the effort instead of just talking about it to my friends.  Which brings me back to New Year's.  I'm not a person that makes resolutions because